Veterans health care Pharmacy Costa Rica

U.S. Veterans healthcare F.A.Q.

Do we have healthcare?

Yes, all U.S. Veterans have full healthcare coverage through the Affordable Care Act , also known as the healthcare law. This means that if you served in any division of the military of the United States, you have been granted free health services.

What does de healthcare for veterans cover?

The law grants full coverage, it includes: medications, surgeries, medical check ups, psychological guidance and more! There are a lot of different insurance companies out there and their coverage and specialization may vary. In most cases, the Foreign Medical Program (FMP) has you covered.

Does the healthcare for Veterans has coverage outside the United States?

Yes it does, it has a worldwide coverage through the FMP of Veterans Affairs, even if you are traveling or on a vacation. You have to sign up to the FMP and contact a local Certified Medical Biller so you don’t have to pay a single dolar.

What is the Foreign Medical Program?

The Foreign Medical Program (FMP) is a health care benefits program for U.S. Veterans who are living or traveling abroad, provided by Veterans Affairs (VA) for service-connected disabilities.

How to sign up?

It is necessary to sign in to FPM, the health care program of Veterans Affairs. To do you have to fill up some forms to prove your service and choose the coverage you are going to need. In all this paperwork and legal business you can expect the unconditional help of Aida Granados, our Certified Medical Biller. She can explain the requirements and help you gather all of the information.

How does it work? How do I get the benefits?

Once you’ve signed up to FPM or any other insurance company for veterans, you’ll get a Veteran Health Identification Card that you can use in any certified medical center. There are certified hospitals, clinics and pharmacies all around the globe, that you can have access for free if you present your Veteran Health Identification Card and contact a Certified Medical Biller.

What is a Certified Medical Biller and why I need one?

FMP and any healthcare system for U.S. Veterans needs a Certified Medical Biller who ensures the standards of the medical company and that the money from your insurance gets to the person who provided the medical service, without the Veteran having to pay a single dolar.

Does FMP has coverage for any medication?

It covers only the medication needed for your specific disability and it needs to be prescribed by a doctor.